Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Farewell to Sleeves

In my youth I grew out of my clothes constantly. I always felt bad having to say goodbye to an almost new shirt because it no longer fit. Then, Suddenly, I stopped (growing). It's great; I never grow out of shoes or clothes. This means I never get rid of anything until it falls apart, escapes, or is thrown away at an intervention held in my honor.

So my friend at work, we'll just call her Pam, commented on my Dockers having holes in both knees. Pam said, "It may be time to throw those away." I told her I would if three more people commented on them. Later, the same day I got up to get a drink and my friend, we'll call her Ashley, tapped me on the shoulder to let me know that there was a hole in the back of my pants. I reached back and felt a hole the size of my fist! How long had it been there? I dunno. How did I not notice it? I dunno. Why didn't the girls that normally check me out at work let me know about the hole? I dunno. All I know is that I had been wearing them all day at work and the day before all day.

I escaped into the bathroom with the office stapler and quickly began stapling the hole together.
I returned from the bathroom to a familiar site. Yep! An intervention of co-workers telling me to toss the docks. So I did, but I had to take a photo to remember them by. I'll be posting it soon. To honor them I present the following:

Farewell my docks
Letting go was not easy
Many years you were comfy
And always nice and breezy


Blogger bec said...

Brandon can relate to you. I threw away his khakis that I have repaired numerous times that he couldn't let go of because they were so well worn in. He was a little heart broken, but I think the new khakis helped him deal with his grief, at least a little.

January 04, 2007  
Blogger B-rad said...

qThank you for your understanding and compassion during my bereavement

January 05, 2007  
Blogger Just Another Girl said...

I thought it was situations like these that duct tape was invented for...

January 07, 2007  
Blogger B-rad said...

Ahh duct tape. I used to get made fun of for my two pairs of duct taped jeans when I did landscaping. This being an office situation, all I could find was a stapler.

January 09, 2007  
Blogger Just Another Girl said...

I do believe those landscaping jeans were once proffered to me after a sound dousing... those were the days...

January 10, 2007  
Blogger B-rad said...

As I recall you returned them to me in a public situation and shouted, "Hey! here's your clothes back, and I washed the pants." That was a tad embarrassing

January 19, 2007  

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