Tuesday, July 17, 2007

1993 to 1997

You ever wonder why you're parents seem trapped in a certain decade of music? Perhaps they had just got really into music at the start of that decade, but then got too busy with life to stay really into it. Perhaps one day an Oldies station will be playing the music that came out when I was in Highschool, then I will smile as I turn up the radio and say to my kids, "I'll never forget when this came out." Perhaps there are a few songs you feel that way about. You hear them and suddenly you are transported in time. Everyone swears that music was the best during the years they were in Highschool. I don't know if anyone can truly make that claim, but I do submit the following list as evidence. True I know Areosmith came out long before 93, but that was when they came out with a lot of their big hits. The rest of the bands may have formed in a garage somewhere, but they hit it big in the years listed. I could not list every great song that came out between 93' and 97' but if you're curious you can find a rough timeline for some of the great tunes that came out...when I was in Highschool.

Bands that became big between 1993 and 1997
(8th grade to 12th)

93 Areosmith Formed in the 70s,huge hit videos with Alicia
93 Nirvana Mainstream success
93 Weezer early days debuted the Blue Album in 94
93 Everclear Two mainstream releases
93 Smashing Pumpkins broke into mainstream with their 2nd album
93 Collective Soul First album Shine became #1
93 Dave Mathews Band releases its first album
93 Oasis is discovered by a recording label
93 Modest Mouse Formed, 96 debuted album
93 Jimmy Eat World Formed
93 Presidents of the U.S. Formed
93 Blink 182 Records first demo tape, 94 first album
93 Cranberries 1st breakthrough album If you like em
94 Beck makes a breakthrough to mainstream with Loser
94 The Offspring Hit mainstream with their album smash
94 Bush Sixteen Stone
94 Our Lady Peace If you like em
94 Stone Temple Pilots Purple
94 Green Day Debuts the Dookie album
94 Live has their breakthrough album
94 Snow Patrol Formed
95 Foo Fighters Formed
95 No Doubt gains mainstream success
95 Alanis Morissette mainstream w/ Jagged Little Pill
95-97 Goo Goo Dolls mainstream
96 Butthole Surfers breakthrough album
97 Coldplay Performing in small clubs
97 Death Cab for Cutie Formed
97 The White Stripes Formed
96-97 Sublime Huge success

Feel free to suggest other bands I may have left out. Or plead you're cause why I should have left out one on the list

Monday, July 09, 2007

Feeling Old in a Young Town

So I just turned 28 a few days ago. I am still in a college town working to graduate this December. No not a masters, but a bachelor's (in every sense of the word). Yep this December, I'll show all the skeptics that the 10 year plan is paying off!

I didn't really feel any older until a couple of days later when I had chest pain due to an irregular heart beat. My heart used to beat steady like a drum, but now it beats more like a rhythm challenged 3yr old. If Life is a Song, my percussionist is off.

Denny's the Dive

I know you're probably thinking Denny's was always a dive. You're right, except now they are a higher priced dive. Remember when the Grand Slam was only $1.99 now it’s only
$6.19 can you believe it! Somehow it just doesn't feel Grand anymore. Perhaps they should change its name to "In the Park home Run" or maybe, "A Close Called Foul"

Ironic that the prices have risen while the caliber of employees has dropped. Denny's has now managed to make my list of top 5 worst customer service experiences of all time. I should add that I lived outside of America for 2 years in countries where they don't even know what customer service means. I wonder if Denny's was named after a guy named Denny. I think if I ever meet a Denny I'm going to deck him just in case. (Even if he's wearing a GUI) I think Denny's will now become a part of my vocabulary. I will now use it as an interchangeable synonym in the following list:

Complete Mess
Screwed Up beyond recognition

Tip you ask? Here's a tip don't go to Denny's