Last night I slept at my new apartment for the first time. It feels good to have an apartment again considering I moved out of my old apartment over a week ago. Now when someone asks, “Where do you live,” I no longer break out into open sobs. Now that I have been “hardened” by the cold streets of Provo, I feel it my duty to impart some of my new found street smarts. I’ve listed a few below.
#1 Did you know that 95% of homeless people are mentally ill? But I’m not. I swear
I’m not, and neither am I.
#2 Sleep in the median of freeways because the Police do not check there (I was only
told this).
#3 The Wall Street Journal is much warmer than the Daily Herald. A basic rule of
Thumb: the more want ads, the less you’ll feel the cold at night.
#4 New York times does not make good toilet paper (it’s already full of crap) Oh Burn!
It’s really bad when a homeless guy insults you!
#5 There are tons of places to hide and sleep on campus (Rebecca told me)
Perhaps Rebecca has been homeless before (considering she’s completely bonkers)
#6 Be creative! Don’t just make a cardboard house, make a cardboard palace!
#7 Expiration dates on food are just suggestions made by the non-adventurous
#8 Don’t eat yellow snow. Just trust me on this one
#9 Chicks dig homeless guys and so do dogs, rats, and skunks
#10 I once saw a skunk catch a fish with its bare hands (Right in front of me). I was not
Homeless at the time (just camping) but it was still cool.
#11 A fish bit my nose once. This is also a true story, but it also didn’t happen while I
was homeless.
#12 If you can help it, try to only be homeless during summer months.
As you can see I gained a lot of profound insight from my 8 day stint as a person without home or bed. True, perhaps after 800 days I would learn even more, but there is one lesson that everyone learns the very first day--don’t become homeless!
your hair looks a lot lighter in the picture than it does in real life
and no, I've never been homeless before, I just considered the idea.....often
the sun lightens hair, especially if exposed to it all day
Ok so really I was not even homeless for more than 8 hours or so, but still it was a good experience. (maybe it was 2 hours)
i was actually homeless for a week one night. hard times brad, hard times.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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