Flirting, Teasing, and Throwing

Today a girl at work lobbed a marker at me. Yes she throws like a girl (if you’re wondering). Then a thought struck me (as well as the marker). It took me back to a simpler time of tote trays, hall passes, and my He-man lunch pale (with matching thermos). Back then flirting was so much easier! If I liked a girl there was only one thing to do. Chuck stuff at her head! Some of you will know what I speak of, but if not, now’s a good time to try it. Start small. You don’t want to throw out your arm. After all, it’s been several years since Elementary (besides you pitched like a wounded duck back then). Side Note: try to avoid a lot of parentheses in blogs (they’re very distracting). After you master pencils, erasers, and crumpled pieces of paper you can then move to the more advanced objects (tote trays, hall passes, and lunch pales). Take a few moments and try this out. I promise you’ll enjoy the trip down memory lane or down the lane to the emergency room. The main key, is never tell the person you like them, just hurl stuff until they cry or report you to a higher authority (Manager, Professor, Mother-in-Law etc.). I sure enjoyed the trip down memory lane, at least, until I regained consciousness. Hmmm, maybe she doesn’t throw like a girl (and maybe I have a chance with her).
better watch out, girls will hear the word and start lobbing desks at you to get the message across to your studley head :)
Great Comment! Now my head will be an even easier target.
I love He-man
i read your post and couldn't help but think about a recent article in Slate, "By the Power of Grayskull! Rediscovering the heroic cartoon beefcake of my youth", by Sam Anderson. The opening statement is this: "One of my most vivid childhood memories is of standing, at 6 years old, in front of the family TV (miniature screen, huge clicky dials, fake wood paneling) and making myself an extremely solemn promise: No matter what happened in my life—no matter where I ended up or who I married or how my tastes changed—I would never stop watching He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. The show was my great healing myth."
Sam too has memories attached to this cartoon and like you finds a new adult perspective adds a new meaning to old memories.
to read his article, go here:
to listen to the article:
Did you ever score a date with her?
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